Welcome 31 dayers!
Today is Day 4 and I am starting to make a yarn wreath. I knew going into this one that it would take me at least 3 days to get this wreath done and after working for about thirty minutes this morning I realized that was gonna be true!
These wreaths are popping up all over Pinterest and I just fell in love with them. I used to be the person who had the perfect seasonal wreath for her front door, fit with dried/fake flowers and all sort of little trinkets. At some point, I just stopped making them and honestly have this great wrath for fake flowers now. But when I saw these wreaths on Pinterest I got back into the wreath making mood again.
Here’s a few of my favorites via Pinterest:
and this one is my ultimate inspiration:
After scouring the walls of Hobby Lobby, I finally settled on at least 3 different yarns to use. After I got back home, I remember my own stash of yarn from when I thought I might be a knitter (ha!) and found a couple of other yarns to add.
After trying to figure out a quick way to wind (which there isn’t, I’m convinced) and spending about twenty minutes winding I stopped and saw my great progress…not! This is going to take some patience!
I think I’m going to have to find some good t.v. tonight or some good music this afternoon to get me going again!
Here’s hoping I get it wound the rest of the way today, so we can work on some felt flowers tomorrow!
Filed under: 31 days of..., crafting, pinterest Tagged: 31 days, felt flowers, pinterest, yarn wreath